
Words and writing are found in a great variety of communication vehicles. Without realizing we all wield a potentially powerful weapon every time we type or open our mouths. Below is a sample of some of my work demonstrating the efficacy of the right word in the right place.
Portfolio page pic


Static or multi-layered e-newsletters can be a powerful communication medium if targeted and well thought out.

Amie NewsletterSample Newsletter

Website Copy

You have a couple of seconds to grab a reader’s attention. Can you do that?

Examples of my work:


Pietman Lategan Architects

The Beauty Brand




Power Points

Putting back the POWER in PowerPoint. Empower yourself with a powerful slide deck. Below is just a sample, click here for the full presentation.

Slide Deck Sample

Narrative Story-Boarding

How do you distill and curate an event, brainstorm, team session or company history into a story board that can be drawn as cartoons or adapted for a short video clip? It starts with understanding audience, finding the facts and the correct order of events.


Company Profiles

Authentic, poignant and informative. Will the impression last?

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Powerful and incredibly useful, but behind a simple solution are hours of distilling, understanding and sense-making.

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